is a peer supported, family oriented camp/residential opportunity providing a weekend of wonderful innovative social and community activities for all people with a corpus callosum disorder (CCD) and their families and caregivers. It aims to increase skills, independence and community participation through engaging in social, peer support, self advocacy, life skills, mentoring and connection activities. There will also be opportunities to learn and share information about all things corpus callosum.
- The information contained in this guide gives examples of the NDIS areas and line items that relate directly to the program at Connections 2023. Funding support for this event can only be claimed from Plan or Self-Managed plans.
Connections 2023 prices have been reduced by subsidies from ILC grant funds and AusDoCC fundraising that cover food and accommodation.
- NDIS participants and primary carers will pay the fee in advance and claim back from the plan. Please discuss this with your Support Coordinator (SC), Plan Manager (PM) or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to access the most appropriate funding source. (*Note that the program registration cost does not include accommodation and food as these are covered by ILC grant funds and AusDoCC fundraising.)
- When you contact AusDoCC, we will send a Tax Invoice with NDIS line item that relates best to your plan and funds.
- Please discuss your options with your LAC, PM or SC if you are due for a plan review in the near future. Funds for “peer mentoring" or “accessing the community" may offer a flexible option.
- This is a peer support event for all participants – kids, teens & adults with a CCD and their carers and family. We know wording is important with NDIS so the event description can be a peer support event, training, camp etc.
- Some of the terminology that you can provide for your LAC/SC/PM to support using NDIS funds for Connections 2023 are:
Peer support
Self advocacy
Social participation
Accessing the community
Skills development and training
Life skills
Community participation
Social and recreational activity
Social skills
“Access” usually relates to CORE and “Increase” to CAPACITY BUILDING.
1. The bracketed page numbers in the Contents refer to the page in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, 2022 guide. Further information on the pricing arrangements for the National Disability Insurance Scheme can be found on the NDIS website.
2. Depending on your plan you may request an invoice and supply AusDoCC with the line item that suits your plan. For example, this event could be claimed as a camp that is available to individuals and families.
3. Connections 2023 prices have been reduced by subsidies from ILC grant funds and AusDoCC fundraising that covered food and accommodation.
Assistance to Access Community, Social and Recreational Activities
This support category relates to assisting with or supervising a participant to engage in community, social, recreational or economic activities. These supports can be provided in a range of environments, such as in the community or a centre. Participants may use this funding for activities such as camps, vacation and outside school hours’ care, course or membership fees. This support item is not subject to price limits. It should only be used to recover the costs of the participant’s attendance at the community social and participation activities
Core – Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation (p58/59)
Item Number: 04_210_0125_6_1 Community Social and Recreational Activities
Capacity Building
Capacity Building- Increased Social and Community Participation (p79)
The supports in this category allow participants to take part in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community. Items usually describe ‘increasing’ capacity.
Innovative Community Participation (p79)
This support item is designed to offer new and innovative services to participants to enable them to access mainstream activities. All supports claimed under this support item need to be reasonable and necessary given the participant’s plan goals. Our program includes innovative experiences to help address social isolation, such as a World Cafe.
This support item is not subject to price limits.
Community Participation Activities (p80)
This support item is designed for the costs of activities that build a participant’s skills and independence. This could include camps, classes, and vacation activities that have capacity building components. The support includes assistance to establish volunteer arrangements in the community, mentoring, peer support, and individual skill development.Our program includes diverse experiences to help address typical issues experienced by people with a CCD, such social isolation and anxiety.
All supports claimed under this support item need to be reasonable and necessary given the participant’s plan goals. Supports that could be claimed include attendance at a “camp” or group that builds a participant’s relationship skills and offer a range of activities and opportunities to explore wider interests.
This support item is not subject to price limits. It should only be used to recover the costs of the participant’s attendance at the community participation activities (Connections 2023 registration fee).
Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living (p98)
Other supports (for a primary parent or carer)
This support item assists the development or increase in a participant’s skills and or capacity for independence and community participation.
These support items can be delivered to individual participants.
Training For Carers/Parents (p98)
Line Item Summary
Assistance with Social and Community Participation
Increased Social and Community Participation
09_008_0116_6_3 | Innovative Community Participation |
09_011_0125_6_3 | Community Participation Activities |
Improved Daily Living
15_038_0117_1_3 | Training For Carers/Parents |
Connections 2023
The only peer support event for corpus callosum disorders (CCD) in Australia.
We ROAR for peer support for all things corpus callosum.
For everyone to feel welcome, included and valued.
Increase community participation using innovative approaches
Create and nurture strong individual and peer group identities in social and recreational environments
Provide supported access to social and recreational activities
Exchange ideas, aspirations and challenges with our peers
Reduce isolation and increase support others in our CCD community
Share and validate the lived experience of all participants
Empower independence and agency
Help our community make sense of the NDIS
Build and strengthen AusDoCC as the voice for all things corpus callosum
Key words – the 6Cs.