Connections 2025 is here!

Join us from October 24 - 26 at beautiful Tallebudgera Creek on the Gold Coast for an AusDoCC family camp.
Please register early as numbers are strictly limited.

Price per person in shared rooms 

Adult (18+): AusDoCC registered member $800 (check at if not sure)

Adult (18+): Non-member $850 (join here for $20)

Child: (3-17) $700

Family 15% discount for family of 4 or more related attendees in same cabin. eg: Parents & Children

Use discount code “Family" at checkout where it says “APPLY COUPON"

General contact information:

Venue: Alex

Payments: Maja ‭0409 994 706‬

Single rooms and general: Maree 0428579216 

General: Kristina 


Purpose and aims:

Build capacity for our CCD community

Provide opportunities for social engagement and community access

Provide opportunities for peer support and leadership

Provide accurate information about CCD and their impacts

Bring our socially and geographically isolated community members together

To register for this event please fill in the form below: