Autumn 2019


It is I, Edna the brave and fearless.

Um, really, I think I might be just a little bit scared and a little bit excited all at the same time. Does that happen to you?


I am going to my first ever AusDoCC conference where I will meet other kids with ACC. It will be awesome. We are going to do lots of fun things and there is a high rope swingy thingy that I might have a turn on if I get really brave. I hope I can toast marshmallows on the end of a stick. I love doing that.

Mum is happy too because she is going to hang out with all the other mums and talk about ACC stuff. She doesn’t get to do that very much.

I will tell you all about my Kids Club conference adventures in the next newsletter. I hope I see you there.

Love from your friend Edna (the fearless)