1. What is your name? Jeff Renton
  2. What is your age? 65
  3. What disorder of the corpus callosum (DCC) were you diagnosed with?

Mild colpocephaly with complete agenesis of the corpus callosum. I also have prostate cancer.

  1. When were you diagnosed with your DCC? 26/11/2008, at the age of 64
  2. Where do you live? Have you always lived there? Brisbane
  3. What are some of your biggest challenges because of your DCC?

Given that I have just found out, my biggest challenge is coming to terms with it. How it has affected all of my life choices, and its impact into the future.

  1. What do you like doing?

Travel. I did a bit of travelling in my youth, and I look forward to continuing in my retirement.

  1. What/ who are your main supports for your DCC?

My two adult daughters are my main support generally.

I’ve told myself that I don’t really need support, given

that I’ve got this far on my own, but I’m no longer sure of anything!

  1. What do you do with your days?

I’m currently in recovery from the removal of my prostate, and planning future trips.

  1. What is something unique/ special about you due to your DCC or otherwise?

I have been a Customs Officer for 20 years, and a Quarantine Officer for the last

7 years before retirement. I always believed that it was harder than it should have been, and now I know why! That said I’ve had an interesting career and I believe that

I’ve been very lucky.

  1. Do you have any pets?

Our family pet was a labradoodle. A wonderful dog for the kids to grow up with, they tell me the dog and I were very similar. Not sure I agree!

  1. Do you have a favourite joke?

No. The old standards from my era were never acceptable, but they are even less so now. It’s more about the latest good stand up comic, or the latest funny show.

  1. What is your favourite book, TV show, or movie (or all of them) and why?

Catch 22 is my favourite book, although the sequel was rubbish. I like The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the Terry Pratchett Discworld series. Also Matthew Reilly for the wild ride!

  1. What is your favourite song, band or singer (or all of them) and why?

My catalogue is based in the 70’s and 80’s, obviously!