Sue Tape – Project Coordinator – Inclusive Education at Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)

Sue (she/her) joined CYDA in April 2020 and currently coordinates CYDA’s project work focused on building the capacity of families of children with disability to enact their child’s right to inclusive education. Sue is also a member of the CYDA Policy and Research Team and has contributed to a range of submissions and systemic advocacy across early childhood education, school education, NDIS, transport, etc.

Sue’s previous career experience is in auditing, design and implementation of learning and development. Sue is now using her career experience in building an inclusive local community around her family. Sue is a mother of two – Edvard 13 and Eliza 11. Sue's family has managed to navigate the health, early childhood, education and disability sectors in those eleven years. Sue is excited about the opportunities to share her family's story and be a force for change.