- Centrelink
-‐ Carer Allowance – is not means tested.
-‐ Carer Payment – is a pension and it is means tested.
-‐ Healthcare card – if you received either of these payments you are eligible for one.
-‐ Carer adjustment payment – a payment you can receive if you get the Carer Allowance but not the Carer Payment or any other income support payments. This is a one off payment of up to $10,000. Claims for this must be lodged within 2 years from the date of diagnosis.
-‐ Essential Medical Equipment payment.
-‐ Continence Aids Payment Scheme – available for children over 5 that have permanent or severe incontinence. Ph: 132717
- Better Start for Children with Disability
Initiative providing information about early intervention services and treatments for eligible children with disability.
-‐ There is also a Helping with Autism package website.
-‐ NDIS-‐ A new scheme of support being trialled
- Carers Australia
Website provides information about the needs and interests of carers at a National level. There are also state and Territory carers’ bodies. Some provide respite and assistance with attending conferences.
www.carersaustralia.com.au Ph: 1800 242 636
- Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres
Provide services for people with a disability and those who provide care.
Ph: 1800 052 222
- Independent Living Centre
Provides services and resources to carers, links to other groups, funding support, home modifications, equipment, air conditioner grants.
Ph: 1300 885 886
- Variety Australia
- Assists sick, disadvantaged and special needs children. A very good funding body for equipment (eg wheelchairs, walkers, custom bikes, iPads), bathroom renovations, vans etc.
- variety.org.au
- Smile Foundation is an arm of Variety that helps kids with a rare disease or condition. Through a program called Family Relief a one off grant of $1000 is available for expenses relating to medical appointments, healthcare items, therapy and respite. Also a case manager is available to help find support networks and assistance.
- Smilefoundation.com.au
- Starlight Foundation
-‐ In hospital: Starlight Rooms, Captain Starlight, Livewire (workshops and activities)
-‐ Out of hospital: Livewire online, Wish granting, Community Outreach.
-‐ Livewire is an online support network for teens living with illness and disability and their siblings. www.starlight.org.au
1300 727 827
- Independence Australia
Supports people living with disabilities or other physical need to regain, retain and extend their independence. They provide a range of services, in-‐house support, housing, respite counseling, peer support, personal health products, mobility aids and equipment.
-‐ Incontinence Pad Scheme (WA ONLY) is available for kids 3-‐16yrs who are incontinent due to permanent disability. Children receive $490 worth of products per year.
1300 78 88 55
- Children with Disability Australia
CDA is the national peak body which represents children and young people (aged 0-‐25yrs) with disability. They listen and respond, educate, inform and celebrate.
1800 222 660
- People with Disabilities Australia
PWDA is a systemic advocacy body, however your child can become a member and you can become an associate member to keep abreast of what things are happening and to have input into systemic issues and affairs.
Woman with Disabilities Australia
WWDA is for women with all types of disabilities run by women with disabilities. www.wwda.org.au
- Companion Cards
-‐ The National Companion Card Scheme
The national companion card scheme brings together each state or territory Companion Card programs that enable eligible people with lifelong disability to participate at venues and activities without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion. Excellent scheme.
Search: The national Companion Card Scheme.
For Qantas domestic travel within Australia, customers who require a carer to travel are eligible for a significanyly reduced fare for both themselves and their carer. Applicants need one or more of the following:
a current Carer Concession photographic identification card issued by People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA)
a current Carer Concession photographic identification card issued by the National Information Communication Awareness Network (NICAN.) (being phased out)
a current Centrelink Pension Card
a current travel pass for Person with Vision Impairment issued by a state or territory authority.
The Qantas Carer Concession Card was previously administered by NICAN, who ceased operation in July, 2015. All current cards issued by NICAN will be honoured until they expire. Holders of expired NICAN issued Carer Concession Cards wishing to renew can do so with PWDA.
Details regarding Carer Concession Card applications and renewals can be found on the PWDA website or by phoning PWDA on 1800 806 769.
- Commonwealth HACC Program (Home and Community Care)
There are different programs in each state. HACC provides services not only to the elderly but to people with a disability and their carers. They can help with frozen meals, house cleaning, equipment and respite. 1800 200 422
- Social Media Support Groups -‐ Facebook
-‐ Australian Disorders of the Corpus Callosum
-‐ Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum ACC listserv
-‐ Parents of kids with Neurological Disorders
-‐ Disability Information Network
-‐ Epilepsy Parents Australia
-‐ Resources for Special needs – Australia
-‐ Australian ACC Adults
-‐ NDIS Grassroots Discussion
- Helplines
-‐ Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
-‐ Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
-‐ Lifeline 13 11 14
-‐ Youth Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
-‐ The BRAVE Program: is an interactive, online program for the
prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free.
- Respite
Ronald McDonald Family Retreats
Ronald McDonald offer respite to sick and disabled children and their families for up to a week. There are currently six family retreats around Australia. Google ‘Ronald McDonald Family Retreats’ for more information.