ACC and Me – picture story book


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Acc and Me by Kathryn J Schilmoeller and Lynn K Paul – Picture story book. Illustrated by Cindy Reisenauer

This beautifully written and illustrated picture story book follows 10 year old Dexter, who has ACC.
It tells of some of the typical things he has difficulties with due to ACC (agenesis of the corpus callosum) and leads to him explaining ACC to his classmates.

This is a wonderful addition to the family library, for friends, doctors and to take to school to read to classmates to help them understand your child and ACC. Written so that everyone can get a better understanding.

NODCC and the ACC Network

ISBN 978-1-4243-3181-9 ©2007. Reprint 2016.

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*Bulk orders available at discount rates. Why not ask your class teacher about getting these for the classroom?