My name is Samahl, and like many other people, I have a younger sister named Karina. My little sister may seem like a regular kid, she likes to play with her toys, jump on the trampoline, annoy her siblings, but the way she acts may be a bit different to other kids. Karina has no corpus callosum, which is a part of your brain that helps sends signals for body parts to do things, like walking, colouring etc.: and Karina doesn’t have that, so her brain needs to find another way to send signals.
Karina gets frustrated when things do not go right, so it can be a little difficult to teach her new things, but even getting frustrated, she is a very smart kid. Karina can’t control her emotions very well, and can let them get the best of her. It can be a little annoying when she is crying because I said I was too busy to play with her, but I always try.
Though Karina can be difficult, I love her. She also has her golden times for example when she is reading a book, writing her name and even just her colouring inside the lines is always an achievement to her. It makes me so proud to see her go forward in life trying her hardest. Even though she knows it’s going to make her upset and frustrated, she tries, and most of the times she succeeds, and that takes some truly great strength.
Karina has so much strength in her and I know that she is going to wake up one day and change the world because she has that power in her, it’s just hard to see.
You can read more about my little sister by clicking HERE