Disorders of the Corpus Callosum are complex developmental brain disorders that can occur in isolation with no other brain or organs system abnormality (known as isolated ACC), or in conjunction with other abnormalities of the brain and body (often in a syndrome).

There is currently no evidence that people with isolated ACC or isolated partial ACC are more susceptible to infection by the coronavirus (called SARS-COV2 virus), or that they would experience worse symptoms (called COVID19 illness) if infected.

If children or adults have a disorder of the corpus callosum in conjunction with other medical issues including lung, heart, hormone, metabolic or immune conditions or muscle weakness, then they may be at a higher risk of complications if they caught the SARS-COV2 virus / COVID19 illness. These patients may have more severe symptoms of the COVID19 illness and may be less able to recover quickly from the respiratory complications such as pneumonia or more broadly medical complications.

If individuals and families have any questions regarding their specific risks related to COVID19, it is imperative that they speak with their physician for advice. It is important that you strictly follow the Australian Government recommendations related to COVID19 to avoid catching or spreading the virus.


In addition, the following resources from the epilepsy society (1), autism spectrum Australia (2), or this comprehensive guide from the Association of British Neurologists (3) may be helpful for those with specific symptoms.

  1. https://epilepsysociety.org.uk/epilepsy-and-coronavirus-covid-19-faqs#.Xomu0JMzZTZ
  2. https://autismspectrum.org.au/how-can-we-help/helping-you-to-navigate-covid-19
  3. https://cdn.ymaws.com/wwtheabn.org/resource/collection/6750BAE6-4CBC-4DDB-A684- 116E03BFE634/ABN_Neurology_COVID-19_Guidance_22.3.20.pdf

It is important that you only follow advice from your physician or from reputable sources. At present there are many inaccurate and sometimes illegal claims being made on the internet regarding COVD19 especially in regard to unproven treatments and non-approved testing methods.

The medical and scientific advisors of AusDoCC wish all the AusDoCC community the best during these difficult times. We look forward to being able to catch up with you again face to face at a future AusDoCC event once the risk from this virus passes, which it will.

Compiled for AusDoCC by the AusDoCC medical and scientific advisors