I attended Connections 2017 as an adult with a DCC, along with my partner & mother. I didn’t know what to expect, and did not really know anyone else there, apart from a couple of people I had met over a coffee, once before, so was both nervous and excited as the conference drew closer. As adults with a DCC, we had our own program at the conference, focusing on our needs.
The first part of the day, on day 1 was focused on tertiary education and employment, followed by a talk about the NDIS. The main thing I remember from that is to insist on face to face planning meetings, and the analogy that the NDIS is a like plane that is being built, flown, repaired and serviced simultaneously. The afternoon for the adults saw friendships start to develop, as we were away from the hotel, out for lunch and to ArtVo, an interactive art gallery of 3D paintings where the viewer participates in the picture.
Day 2 was, for me, the best day (aside from the social outing). This was the day we could hear from the professionals whose professional interest is in DCC and ask whatever questions we had. The speakers took all our questions in their stride and were quite happy to answer, or admit if they didn’t know the answer. Day 2, also saw a panel session, where those adults who wanted to, could answer questions from other conference attendees. A few of the younger adults were on that panel and it was great to see just how well they did, some speaking publicly for the first time.
I came away, having made new friends (not something I find easy) and having a bit more of an idea of where I fit, within the DCC community.
Anna Uther